DIY Flower Cones - A Reminder To Take Time for Simple Pleasures

The frost is thawing and the days grow longer. Yet, does it ever seem like this liminal time between Winter and Spring can last for an eternity? As we shift into a new and more colorful chapter of life, the desire to celebrate grows ever stronger...but how, when the timing feels a bit too...just on the cusp of change? Perhaps the frost has been accruing about your winter mind as well and is finally thawing too, and your limbs require a warm-up before they abound for sunny fields. Now is as a good a time as ever to remind yourself to walk, before you run. Start with the nearest corners of life and fill them with beauty. Here at the studio, we've had to remind ourselves that a little moment for simple pleasure goes a long way in discovering your potential in the coming season.
Gather what dried flowers you may already have near you (we always have some ready at hand for just some such occasion) or pluck some twiggy, hardy blooms and lay them on a table before you (wildflowers dry most prettily).
Find some plain parchment - gift wrapping paper works well for it's thickness - and tape to match. You want to find materials that are simple enough to allow for your little arrangements to truly shine. Cut the paper into even square sheets, though their edges need not be perfect. Use one for each cone, and wrap with a corner pointing upward so it cradles the height of the blooms just so. Fasten your tape, and admire.
A day of contemplation and whimsical crafting brought us this bounty of flower cones. Make one for each of your friends, your neighbors, whoever in your life that could use a little reminder that the world is full with opportunities of joy and beauty, if only you open your hands and heart to them. Before sending them off to their new homes, arrange them all together in a small basket for you to cherish.