Wardrobe Stories / Chapter 9

Perhaps going for a walk through the woods wasn't the best idea. You glance through the treetops ahead and notice the sky darkening somewhat ominously, a light drizzle has already begun to fall and you wrap your arms tightly around yourself feeling your teeth slightly chatter.
You could go back to the cabin. Start a fire. Make some hot cocoa and nestle into the oversized chair your grandparents have had since before you were born. But you decide it will be worth it to forge on. You remind yourself that you've been cooped up in the cabin long enough and the air inside was starting to feel stifling. And the phone call that morning admittedly shook your nerves. As the voice on the other side trailed on and on, you caught a glimpse of the world outside your window and the longing to be beneath the open sky where the woods opened out to the sea wrenched at your heart.
It begins to rain steadily. Then harder. Big fat raindrops flop onto your hat. Your linen skirt begins to matte against your bare legs. It's a mid afternoon down pour and you don't care. You keep walking, one foot in front of the other, the call of the open sea beckoning each step forward.
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