Visiting Rack & Cloth Cidery in Mosier, Oregon
Publié par RODELLEE BAS le

Our brick & mortar's soft opening was on Saturday, the 2nd of November, and that evening my husband asked what I wanted to do the next day. I told him I didn't want to make plans, I just wanted to let the day take me wherever it wanted to take me... and so I ended up accompanying him to our friend Silas' cidery and farm in Mosier, Oregon.
II am always going to be a country girl at heart having spent parts of my childhood on my grandfather's farm in the Philippines feeding chickens and pigs and helping in our small garden. We were very small scale farmers like most of our neighbors, growing enough food for our families (though Filipino families tend to be quite large and extended!)
Someday, I know I would like for my husband and I to purchase a bit of land and do small scale farming, enough for us to have seasonal fruits and veggies for ourselves and make our own jams and jellies and other preserves. I know I do not have the patience or know-how to do larger scale farming to be able to sell produce at a farmer's market... but something small and sustainable for a family of 2...and all the guests we will host in our country home of course!
The afternoon was spent riding around the property in a cart while Silas' new puppy, Jutta, ran alongside us. I could not get over how freaking cute she was! I love puppies, they're so wriggly and curious about everything. She was particularly drawn to all my bundle of dried stems! We got to feed apples to some of the sheep and got a little lesson on how cider was made with the big apple press machine and how the racks and cloths were assembled for the apples. Sorry, I can't get too technical, I was just all "Oh, wow, ok..." I mean I know nothing about making cider! LOL!
“It’s when the apples ripen in the fall that I come to realize what the trees have been up to all summer. And when the fall of my life comes, will I have apples?” - Craig D. Lounsbrough
What I Wore...
In these photos I am wearing jeans from Mother Denim, a vintage 1990s J. Crew cream knit top, and a vintage silk scarf in my hair. All sweaters and cardigans are from the shop!
{ Shop Knits & Sweaters featured in these photos }