Pretty Films: A Room With A View
Publié par ADORED VINTAGE le

Aesthetically this film is one of my favorites, it has so many scenes I draw so much inspiration from. Based on the E.M. Forster novel of the same name, the film "A Room With A View" by James Ivory is a period film about a young woman named Lucy Honeychurch (Helena Bonham Carter) who on a summer trip to Florence with her chaperone (Maggie Smith) experiences bits of independence and feelings of love.
The scenes in the poppy fields are some of my favorite cinematic scenes ever. It's so beautiful. I love how all the characters are just immersed in the tall grass chatting about life, past loves, possibilities for the future. It's so idyllic and simple.
I also love how they dressed Maggie Smith and Judi Dench in opposing colors to contrast with the green and pops of red poppies.
These scenes are the kind of moments I want in my life... nothing extravagant. Just a basket full of simple fare, a linen jacket, some sunshine, a straw hat... and of course one of the best first kiss scenes in the entire world according to yours truly. Oh, you really must watch the movie to see how it all plays out!
“This desire to govern a woman—it lies very deep, and men and women must fight it together.... But I do love you surely in a better way than he does." He thought. "Yes—really in a better way. I want you to have your own thoughts even when I hold you in my arms.”
This is one of my all time favorite hairstyles in a film ever and the outfit of course you can see how much it influences Adored Vintage. I am mostly sharing bits of the movie I find the most appealing, there are several scenes in Italy and England so don't think the entire film is just shot outdoors!
There are several scenes that take place once the characters are back in England and these scenes make me wish for wicker furniture...
Image Sources: Screengrabs / Tumblr
Mandy le
Wonderful tribute! I adore this film. You described it so well. I was so excited to see a post dedicated to it. It absolutely has an Adored Vintage vibe. You’re right about the kiss scene. Its to die for. The whole thing is a delight to watch. Dapper Daniel Day Lewis at his most posh and uppity. Beautiful and darkly mysterious Julian Sands and of course baby Helena. She’s look like a perfect porcelain doll with a frowny pout. Her character’s name alone screams the aesthetic. Honeychurch.
One of my favorite memories with my mom involved this movie. We went on a mother – daughter trip to the Ant Street Inn in Brenham TX. You would love it! It’s an old warehouse turned boutique hotel filled with exquisite antique furniture. We were the only people staying that night and it was pouring rain. We put on our big comfy robes and sat on the back veranda drinking wine and watching A Room with a View on my laptop with a thunderstorm in the background. Perfect night.