Style Inspiration & Our First Business Trip
Publié par RODELLEE BAS le
Oh my goodness, there have been so many behind the curtain changes happening at Adored Vintage! I'm all abuzz! If you have been following Adored Vintage for awhile, then you are well aware that this has been (for the most part) a solo woman operation.
It continues to mostly just be me (Rodellee), but we have arrived at the one year anniversary of me having an assistant (Saria), who in many ways is more than an employee to me.
So, tomorrow, we are embarking upon our first ever Adored Vintage Buying Trip FOR TWO! Saria and I are heading down to Los Angeles... the motherland of sourcing.
As a solo-preneur (or however you spell that) especially in the vintage world, a buying trip isn't that big of a deal.
But what is different about this buying trip is I am taking someone under my wing. Sharing secrets, getting another set of eyes to look at things with me, getting another opinion.
There is something exciting, freeing, and equally terrifying about letting go of control and letting someone else hold on to the reigns (alongside me, of course, I'm too much of a control freak to really let go, haha!)
Very, very exciting things are up ahead. Admittedly, I am a little scared you guys.
But, as I read somewhere on the interwebs... if you make a small act towards "the thing" and fear is holding you back, taking that action will make you feel better. If taking that step makes you feel gross, then maybe that's not what you're suppose to be doing.
And these STEPS I'm taking... they make me feel like I'm high on life. In a scared, giddy, exhilarated way. I'm trusting my gut. My instincts (and the statistics/numbers/reports...) I'm not that hippie dippy about the Universe telling me things. (No offense to anyone that is of course, to each their own, I just like my magic served with a good side of practicality)
I can't wait to share EVEN more news with you guys! All in due time of course. Oh, BTW... do you like the new web design? It's a sign of things to come! It's so clean, modern, and even easier to use than the previous design!