Buying For Adored Vintage: 6 Fashion Trend Details I Avoid
Publié par ADORED VINTAGE le

What is it about these women in this vintage photo? They're timeless, feminine, and still quite modern. I could wear these outfits now walking around Portland and not feel out of place or time.
Every month I feel like I fine tune the vintage inspired styles I select for the shop. I'm getting better at choosing silhouettes, prints, and colors that will become a part of your feminine and timeless vintage inspired wardrobe.
Once a week (actually, it's more like every other day) I spend looking at linesheets from various designers and showrooms to see what to buy for the upcoming season. It has been a learning process, for sure! So without further ado...
The 6 Fashion Trends & Details I Avoid When Buying for Adored Vintage
1. Clothing that will show your bra or undergarments.
I know there are different strokes for different folks, but I do not understand why you would want to wear a knit sweater that has giant cut outs or slashes in the back? I find this clothing trend design detail so annoying. I've come across so many cute sweaters and then I see the back and it has a giant piece missing. Why? Or tops that have really deep armholes. I talked to a showroom rep once and she said "you just wear a pretty lace bandeau, it's very Coachella looking." No, thank you. If the Adored Vintage girl goes to Coachella, she's probably wearing an antique Edwardian dress.
2. Sheer dresses that are not lined and hard to wear a bra with.
This is a gigantic pet peeve of mine especially since most modern dress styles don't compliment a vintage slip very well. At another showroom I wanted to order this BEAUTIFUL white cotton halter dress with floral embroidery on the bodice but it was unlined and a halter! What sort of bra would you wear with this? I was told by the rep "Some girls go braless." Sure! I do it a lot. But this is white and gauzy cotton! I don't want to give the world a little show!
3. Gross feeling polyster or fabrics that just feel gross.
You know what kind I'm talking about. Feels like plastic. Yuck. I'm not super against polyester because some of it looks, feels, and drapes like rayon or silks. It's that weird polyester that a lot of late 70s clothes were made of. I shudder even thinking of it. Yuck again.
4. Exposed zippers.
I passed up SO MANY pretty vintage inspired dresses and tops for Spring because they would have UGLY GIANT EXPOSED zippers on them! If you design a soft, feminine, and pretty dress, why would you RUIN it with such an eyesore? Hide those zippers!
5. Garments that have too many trends or details happening.
I have made this mistake a couple times and while I totally take ownership for selecting the style for the store, I have worked with sales reps that were great at convincing me certain things are a good choice even though my head is like "What?! This dress has a collared neckline, a back cut out, flounce hem on the sleeves, a surplice bodice, and a high low hemline! Run away! Run away!" (Hey, they were doing their job! And a good one at that!)
6. Cutesy, kitschy, girlie-girl prints, patterns, and colors.
Because I market the modern clothing in my shop as vintage inspired, most of the designer reps and showrooms I've worked with instantly want to show me styles they sell to Modcloth. I have nothing against Modcloth of course, but the Adored Vintage girl does not wear cutesy or kitschy prints that would look charming on a 5 year old but kind of odd on a 35 year old.