Wardrobe Stories / Chapter 3
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The old library stood stoically at the end of the street, a burnished red brick building with simple white pillars showing years of wear and tear. The weather is overcast, the clouds promising a late afternoon shower and you quicken your pace down the hedge lined path tugging at the sleeves of your cardigan sweater and adjusting your hair scarf. As you push open the heavy wooden doors the hinges groan a tired but friendly "Welcome" and instantly the smell of old pages and books and weathered pine fill your senses and you're transported back home, 3000 miles away. A wave of...
Wardrobe Stories / Chapter 3
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Wardrobe Stories / Chapter 7
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Oh summer does cast her own magic spell and you with your love for Autumn cannot help but long with a slight sigh on your berry stained lips for those cool winds, moody mornings with the signs of rain, and leaves turning shades of gold, rust, and amber. Perhaps this is why on this uncommon cool summer evening you're especially excited to snuggle into a cozy new lightweight sweater (though it should be noted that you're still barefoot in the grass) while you await the symphony at dusk conducted by the neighborhood birds. Here at Adored Vintage it is our ardent hope that our...
Wardrobe Stories / Chapter 7
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Wardrobe Stories / Chapter 12
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The sun begins her descent behind the softly sloping hills far ahead. You quicken your pace slightly, lifting the hem of your lace detailed dress as you step into the tall summer grass. The fabric of oxeye daisies and wispy blades of grass are ruffled by a brisk and welcomed summer breeze. The sun dips lower, a golden haze befalls the field around you bathing it in warmth and for a moment you experience true real magic watching the waltz of the wildflowers their heads glinting and bowing in golden light. A group of birds twitter over head, a symphony. Your hair...
Wardrobe Stories / Chapter 12
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Wardrobe Stories / Chapter 24
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Could it really have been 12 years since you last saw your Aunt June? Over a decade ago you were still in middle school worrying about if anyone would notice your new pastel glitter nail polish. Walking up the white wooden steps to the front door of your aunt's house made those years so close and yet so faraway. Your eyes take in the wide sweeping front porch where a wicker table decorated with a faded peach floral tablecloth was dappled in sunshine and two matching wicker chairs with floral cushions that had seen better days rested, beckoning you to "Come, sit...
Wardrobe Stories / Chapter 24
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A 1930s Inspired River Picnic Outfit
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The Setting Tis the season of Summer, when birds call early in the brightly lit mornings, and warm breezes tumble fragrant petals through one's hair. The days are long and one feels especially pulled to the shores of local beaches and rivers to enjoy the fair weather. Here at AV, we are positively inspired by the season to go outside and enjoy natural landscapes, good company, and picnic treats. And if you are reading this, you probably understand the importance of finding the right garments to echo one's mood to complement the adventure. This wardrobe recipe was inspired by the quaint 1930s...
A 1930s Inspired River Picnic Outfit
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A Typical Day At Adored Vintage
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Here is a photo of my desk. I like to call it a pretty mess, rhyme with reason and lots of dried flowers. I have stacks of papers and books and what have you all over my desk. Usually a slice of cake, water, cups (yes plural) of coffee, a half eaten baguette... not exactly the image of minimalism or perfection, but I adore it all the same. Here in this little corner of the studio is where I spend most of my time at AV editing photos, listing products, updating the website, answering phone calls and emails from all the different...
A Typical Day At Adored Vintage
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Gathering Inspiration for Market!
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Last June Adored Vintage started selling primarily modern vintage inspired clothing in the shop and last August was my first real go at a fashion convention! I attended a show in Vegas (one of the largest!) and it was so exciting (and scary) and so dang tiring! But I was so energized by seeing all the upcoming collections and meeting designers and brand and showroom reps. It really was like POWER SHOPPING. Next week we head off "To Market" which is the industry term for all of these fashion conventions that happen around the world. There are several markets that...
Gathering Inspiration for Market!
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Where Are Your Vintage Modern Clothes Made?
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A few weeks back I received an email from a gal asking where the modern vintage inspired clothes I sell in my shop were made, how was the fabric sourced, how are the working conditions of the workers... I appreciated her email so much and spent some time responding to all her enquiries. Here is how the conversation went (through email) copied and pasted. "I would like to know if your vintage inspired dresses are sustainably made. What fabric do you source and where does it come from? Who makes your clothes, what are they paid, and what are their work conditions like? I...
Where Are Your Vintage Modern Clothes Made?
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Defining Vintage Inspired Style for Adored Vintage
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Often I have been asked, "How would you define vintage style?" and my answer is never short because the vintage look can span across so many different eras. If you think about the definition of vintage clothing...anything 20 years or older... basically vintage inspired outfits can be any look from the 1990s to earlier. Over the years I have created a very definitive style and look of the Adored Vintage girl. She's romantic, feminine, she loves soft muted tones, straw hats, florals, elegant silhouettes, timeless prints... and I created this look by being gradually becoming more and more selective with...
Defining Vintage Inspired Style for Adored Vintage
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Buying For Adored Vintage: 6 Fashion Trend Details I Avoid
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What is it about these women in this vintage photo? They're timeless, feminine, and still quite modern. I could wear these outfits now walking around Portland and not feel out of place or time. Every month I feel like I fine tune the vintage inspired styles I select for the shop. I'm getting better at choosing silhouettes, prints, and colors that will become a part of your feminine and timeless vintage inspired wardrobe. Once a week (actually, it's more like every other day) I spend looking at linesheets from various designers and showrooms to see what to buy for the...
Buying For Adored Vintage: 6 Fashion Trend Details I Avoid
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Setting Intention, Defining Adored Vintage
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If you follow Adored Vintage on Instagram then you will be privy to the fact that many changes are happening in my corner of the world. I will expand a little bit on this in my Shopkeeper's Journal when I have a bit more time... but for now, I want to share some of my work intentions and goals. I used to do this more often, in the olden days of selling vintage online. One of the things I want to be really intentional about is defining the Adored Vintage girl. I say girl because I feel she has a childlike wonder about her....
Setting Intention, Defining Adored Vintage
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