On Contentedness and Gratitude
Publié par RODELLEE BAS le
Most could agree that 2020 has been a year where so much loss has happened, though I have found myself being reminded more and more of how much I have in this world to be grateful for especially during the past few days where I took a REAL break from the world of Adored Vintage. At the beginning of every year I always choose a word that carries my hopes and expectations for 2020. I had chosen "Contentedness" as my word and had made a simple mood board of what this meant to me. A sparsely decorated room with curtains blowing in...
On Contentedness and Gratitude
Publié par RODELLEE BAS le

Defining Allyship in #BlackLivesMatter
Publié par RODELLEE BAS le
I think we can all safely agree that things feel very uncomfortable right now. In the midst of the discomfort, I feel an intense sadness. I think it is worth saying we must all do our own work and take personal responsibility to educate ourselves so we can do better. This is what I am trying to do and will continue to do so. I believe so much that we are good people and we collectively want peace and to be free to pursue happiness. To quote writer Julio Vincent Gambuto "We are a good people. And as a good people, we...
Defining Allyship in #BlackLivesMatter
Publié par RODELLEE BAS le

Just A Bit Beyond My Comfort Zone
Publié par RODELLEE BAS le
It's officially been a month since we've shuttered the doors of the retail shop and a month of mostly working from home and adjusting to an ever changing daily routine. As a creature of habit and someone who very much thrives on routine, this past month has had me feeling very out of my comfort zone. I know I am not alone in my feelings. So many of my friends are facing the same myriad of emotions I am feeling. We're struggling with the unknown, chasing potential answers that lead to dead ends (busy tones, disconnections, simply being told "sorry bout it")...
Just A Bit Beyond My Comfort Zone
Publié par RODELLEE BAS le