Being a "Brand" & "How I Grew My Instagram Followers"
Publié par RODELLEE BAS le
"Nobody said it was easy..." Coldplay's "The Scientist" is playing and *in sing song voice* "I'll take you back to the staaaaart." Ooooo....ooooo....ahhhhhh.....wuuuuuuu OK, I was having a moment because I've been doing that THING again. Where I just really get into my head about stuff. Ahh...so where do I begin. Haha, this blog post title is a little passé, don't you think? Although, not sure if I am using that word correctly in this case. Anyhow, sorry to mislead you, this post isn't a How To do anything at all. Enough time wasting, let's just get into it. I...
Being a "Brand" & "How I Grew My Instagram Followers"
Publié par RODELLEE BAS le

Gratitude, #lifeadored moments, and Servant Leadership
Publié par RODELLEE BAS le
I am grateful for the pillow and cozy sheets I will soon lay my head against. For a new chapter to read in a beloved classic. For the few hours my husband and I got to spend together exploring a neighboring city. For the beautiful music I heard this morning and being introduced to new local artists here in Portland. These are what #lifeadored moments are all about. Whether they are small or grand, they are the times in your life when you are present and appreciating your life. What were some of your #lifeadored moments today? Last night my husband and...
Gratitude, #lifeadored moments, and Servant Leadership
Publié par RODELLEE BAS le